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NJSOPHE members have exclusive access to job postings, professional development, and advocacy alerts!
come through OPT-IN forums.

To receive e-mail updates about forum postings, you need to subscribe to NJSOPHE forums. Watch this short video for a quick overview, or find detailed instructions below. The forums are available for any member to share relevant postings. Feel free to "Create a Topic" if you want to post something!

Log in to the website by clicking on the button in the top right corner. For help logging in the first time, watch this short video.
  1. Under the "For Members" menu item, click on the desired forum.
  2. At the top of the forum page, click "Subscribe to forum". Repeat as needed for other forums.
  3. The default subscription is a daily summary. To change to immediate or weekly notification, you need to edit your profile:
    • Click the button in the top right corner, then "View profile".
    • Click "Email subscriptions", then the blue button "Edit profile".
    • Edit your forum subscriptions, then hit the blue button "Save".

For screenshots walking you through the process, scroll down. If you need assistance, contact

1. Log in to the website by clicking on the button in the top right corner.

2. Under the "For Members" menu item, click on the desired forum.

3. At the top of the forum page, click "Subscribe to forum". Repeat as needed for other forums.

4. The default subscription is a daily summary. To change to immediate or weekly notification, you need to edit your profile:

  • Click the button in the top right corner, then "View profile".

  • Click "Email subscriptions", then the blue button "Edit profile".

  • Edit your forum subscriptions, then hit the blue button "Save".

Contact Us: info @

P.O. Box 5285, Bergenfield, NJ  07621
© 2018-2024 NJSOPHE. All rights reserved. NJSOPHE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional organization.
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